A set is a poker hand, and the highest possible hand in the game. It is made from three cards and a community card. The name comes from the French word’set’, which means three. A set is also referred to as a ‘trip’ in the poker game.
You can create a set from a pocket pair, a pair of upcards, and a community card. In some variant games, you can make it by getting a wild card. Usually, a set is best when you have a jack, a ten, and a king. However, in Texas Hold’em, you can get a three of a kind with a single hole card.
A set is more hidden than a trip. If you want to win a hand with a set, you can raise the previous bet. This way, you can make a bet with one card, then a second bet with two, and finally a third bet with all five cards. This strategy is known as’set mining’.
You can also draw a set by making a hand of five cards of the same suit. When you do, you have a flush. As a rule, a flush beats a straight. So, if you hold a jack, a ten, a queen, and a king, you are drawing a set.
You can get a set by calling or raising the previous bet with a pair of upcards. However, you should always take the situation into consideration. For example, if you are calling with a mid-pair against a tight opener, you should expect to pay 20 to 1 when you divide your effective stack by the cost of the call. But if you are raising with all suited connectors, you should be prepared to pay 15 to 1 or more.
It is important to know how to play a set, as it can crush your opponents who have big overpairs. However, it is also a frustrating experience. Even seasoned players sometimes have a hard time telling if they have a set or a trip. Therefore, it is better to play carefully and with a good philosophy.
Unlike trips, which are considered equal, sets have a higher chance of winning. Flopping a set has a 12% probability of happening, which makes it a solid hand. Sets are also less susceptible to stealing.
Although a set is a solid hand, you can’t expect to hit it every time. Sometimes, you will have to wait for an ace to come out. You may even go for a long stretch of time without picking up an ace. Still, you can’t fold too many sets.
Similarly, a trip can happen with a pair of upcards. You can call with your opponent’s middle pair, but it’s not advisable to do so. Your opponent’s middle pair is likely to be a rock.
Flopping a set can give you an edge if you have a strong pair, as your opponent will be tempted to draw to a better set. However, your opponent will be likely to make a stronger nut hand.